*These literature lists are to support researchers in doing research into Comms women by providing one place to collect all literature to encourage other scholars to do this research and help young scholars conduct literature reviews and/or re-interpreting already existing literature research studies. Practitioners who are interested in research will be supported via our blog which will also feature research summaries and commentaries.
The literature was selected by searching all major Comms and PR journals and Mendeley for book chapters. A Mendeley search for journal articles is pending, and once completed, this statement will be amended.
*Please note this initiative is a one-woman show and mistakes and oversights are possible. If you have published something not listed below, please send a reference to martina@commswomen.uk and I will add it to the list.
Topić, M. (ed) (2022). Towards a New Understanding of Masculine Habitus and Women and Leadership in Public Relations. London: Routledge.
Aldoory, L., & Toth, E. (2021). The Future of Feminism in Public Relations and Strategic Communication: A Socio-Ecological Model of Influences. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Daymon, C., & Demetrious, K. (eds) (2021). Gender and Public Relations
Critical Perspectives on Voice, Image and Identity. London: Routledge.
Meng, J., & Neill, M. S. (2021). PR Women with Influence. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
Theofilou, A. (ed) (2020). Women in PR History. London: Routledge.
Daymon, C., & Demetrious, K. (2014). Gender and Public Relations: Critical Perspectives on Voice, Image and Identity. New York: Routledge.
Creedon, P. J., & Cramer, J. (2012). Women in Mass Communication. London: SAGE Books.
Janus, J. M. (2008). Gender roles, leadership and public relations. University of Missouri Columbia.
Grunig, A., Childers Hon, L., & Toth, E.L. (2005). Women in Public Relations: How Gender Influences Practice. London: Routledge.
Meng, J., & Neill, M.S. (2023). Diversifying gender equity in leadership in public relations: the role of mentoring and instrumental support at the organizational level”, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 28(1), 155-168.
Clark, T., Dodson, S., Guivarra, N., & Widders Hunt, Y. (2022). “I want to create change; I want to create impact”: Personal-activism narratives of Indigenous Australian women working in public relations. Public Relations Review, 48(1).
Fitch, K., Clark, T., Kaur, K., Simorangkir, D. N., & Souket, R. (2022). Opening spaces for researching feminism and public relations: Perspectives from Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia. Public Relations Inquiry, 0(0).
LaGree, D., & Olsen, K. (2022). Building a Strong Career Foundation Through Proactivity Behaviors: An Exploration of Organizational Socialization Experiences of Early-Career Women in Public Relations. Public Relations Journal, 15(1), 2-24.
Li, J.-Y., Lee, Y., & Xu, D. (2022). The role of strategic internal communication in empowering female employees to cope with workplace gender discrimination. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Meng, J., & Neill, M.S. (2022). The role of ethical leadership in building influence: Perspectives from female public relations professionals. Public Relations Review, 48(1).
Murphy, B. (2022). The female chief communication officer: An exploration into her leadership traits. Public Relations Inquiry, 0(0).
Murphy, B. E. (2022). Female CCO Beliefs on Leadership Traits of CCOs. Public Relations Journal, 15(1), 2-19.
Topić, M. (2022). Editorial: Toward an EDI agenda in corporate communications. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(4), 617-622.
Zeler, I., Fuentes-Lara, C., & Moreno, Á. (2022). Female leadership in communication management in Spain: making a difference in a sexist culture. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(5), 74-92.
Alikılıç, Ö. (2021). The feminization and misrepresentation of public relations practitioners in Turkish TV dramas. Feminist Media Studies, online first. 10.1080/14680777.2021.1938168
Clark, T., Dodson, S., Guivarra, N., & Widders Hunt, Y. (2021). “We’re not treated equally as Indigenous people or as women”: The perspectives and experiences of Indigenous women in Australian public relations. Public Relations Inquiry, 10(2), 163–183.
Neill, M.S., & Meng, J. (2021). Women in public relations: ascribed and avowed leadership identities and expectations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 33(3), 136-149.
Meng, J., Neill, M.S. (2021). Inclusive leadership and women in public relations: defining the meaning, functions, and relationships. Journal of Public Relations Research, 33(3), 150-167.
Moreno, A., Fuentes Lara, C., & Tench, R. (2021). A theory of integrated gendered work evaluation (IGWE). A gender analysis of the unequal race for leadership through work evaluation of satisfaction and stress in Europe. Journal of Public Relations Research, 33(3), 185-203.
Madden, S., & Levenshus, A. (2021). Broadening the umbrella of women’s leadership and public relations: an ethnographic case study of a women’s political leadership development program. Journal of Public Relations Research, 33(3), 168-184.
Polić, M., & Holy, M. (2021). Gender-biased office culture in Croatian PR industry: why feminine sectors practice masculine patterns? Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 26(4), 716-727.
Topić, M. (2021). Introduction to special issue: women and leadership in public relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 33(3), 131-135.
Topić, M. (2021). Fluffy PR and ‘Comms Girls’: Banter, Social Interactions and the Office Culture in Public Relations in England. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 29(5), 1321-1336.
Topić, M. (2021). An Analysis of the Smoking Debate ahead of Bernays’ ‘Torches of Freedom’ Campaign through the lens of the New York Times Coverage (1870-1929). Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 13(3-4), 214-230.
Ciszek, E. (2020). The man behind the woman: Publicity, celebrity public relations, and cultural intermediation. Public Relations Inquiry, 9(2), 135–154.
Miller Russell, K. (2020). The power of women: Flanley & Woodward and the woman’s angle in U.S. public relations. Public Relations Review, 46(4),
Topić, M., Cunha, M.J., Reigstad, A., Jelen-Sanchez, A., & Moreno, A. (2020). Women in public relations (1982-2019). Journal of Communication Management, 24(4), 391-407.
Archer, C. (2019). Social media influencers, post-feminism and neoliberalism: How mum bloggers’ ‘playbour’ is reshaping public relations. Public Relations Inquiry, 8(2), 149–166.
Gesualdi, M. (2019). Revisiting the relationship between public relations and marketing: Encroachment and social media. Public Relations Review, 45(2), 372-382.
Hansen, S.S., & Nicolini, K.M. (2019). No Longer Just a Protest: How Women’s March Strategic Messaging for Collective Action Mobilizes a Movement. Public Relations Journal, 13(1), 2-21.
Yeomans, L. (2019). Is a ‘new feminist visibility’ emerging in the UK PR industry? Senior women’s discourse and performativity within the neoliberal PR firm. Public Relations Inquiry, 8(2), 127–147.
Munshi-Kurian, A., Munshi, D., & Kurian, P. (2019). Strategic interventions in sociology’s resource mobilization theory: Reimagining the #MeToo movement as critical public relations. Public Relations Review, 45(5).
Alemán, I. I.; Lazo, C. M., & del Olmo, F. J. R. (2018). La influencia del género en el management de la comunicación corporativa: Estudio de caso en Aragón (España). Prisma Social: revista de investigación social 20, 273-286.
Guarinos, V.; Caro, F. J., & Durán, S. C. (2018). Las igualdad de género en los estudios de grado en Comunicación: la transversalidad imaginaria. Revista Prisma Social (22), 296-325.
Kirat, M. (2018). The World of Women Public Relations Practitioners in Qatar. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 9(9), 81-94.
Lee, H.; Place, K. R., & Smith, B. G. (2018). Revisiting gendered assumptions of practitioner power: An exploratory study examining the role of social media expertise. Public Relations Review, 44(2), 191-200.
Place, K. R., & Vardeman-Winter, J. (2018). Where are the women? An examination of research on women and leadership in public relations. Public Relations Review 44(1), 165-173.
Reyes, C. (2018). Spokesperson is a four-letter word: Public relations and power in Occupy New York. Public Relations Inquiry 7(3), 243-259.
Fitch, K., & L’Etang, J. (2017). Other voices? The state of public relations history and historiography: Questions, challenges and limitations of ‘national’ histories and historiographies. Public Relations Inquiry, 6(1), 115-136.
Fountaine, S. (2017). What’s not to Like?: A Qualitative Study of Young Women Politicians’ Self-Framing on Twitter. Journal of Public Relations Research, 29(5), 219-237.
Jugo, D.; Ciboci, L., & Alavanja, M. (2017). Trends in education of communication professionals: The perspective of educators and employers in Croatia. Public Relations Review, 43(5), 998-1006.
Lambert, C. A. (2017). Post-racial public relations on primetime television: How Scandal represents Olivia Pope. Public Relations Review, 43(4), 750-754.
Martinelli, D., & Erzikova, E. (2017). Public relations leadership development cycle: A cross-cultural perspective. Public Relations Review, 43(5), 1062-1072.
Rodríguez-Salcedo, N., & Gómez-Baceiredo, B. (2017). A herstory of public relations: Teresa
Dorn, from Scott Cutlip to Burson-Marsteller Europe (1974–1995). Journal of Public Relations Research, 29(1), 16-37.
Soria, M., & Gómez, B. (2017). Análisis del rol profesional de mujeres y hombres en las agencias de publicidad españolas. Percepciones e integración de igualdad de oportunidades (Analysis of professional role of women and men in Spanish advertising agencies: perception and integration of equal opportunities). Sphera Publica, 2(17), 167-193.
Tench, R.; Moreno, A., & Topić, M. (2017). Male and Female Communication, Leadership Styles and the Position of Women in Public Relations. Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture, 8(2-3), 231-248.
Tench, R., & Topić, M. (2017). One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? An Analysis of Public Relations Practitioners’ Views on the Position of Women in the PR Industry (2009-2015). Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 28(1), 83-105.
Vardeman-Winter, J., & Place, K. R. (2017). Still a lily-white field of women: The state of workforce diversity in public relations practice and research. Public Relations Review, 43(2), 326-336.
Walden, J. A., & Parcha, J. M. (2017). ‘This is a stage’: A study of public relations practitioners’ imagined online audiences. Public Relations Review, 43(1), 145-151.
Gómez-Colel, E.; Medina-Bravo, P.; Fernández-Aballí, A.; Jiménez, M., & Obradors, M. (2016). El grado de publicidad y relaciones públicas: cuestión de género. Opción, 32(11), 668-676.
Fitch, K.; James, M., & Motion, J. (2016). Talking back: Reflecting on feminism, public relations and research. Public Relations Review, 42(2), 279-287.
Jahansoozi, J. (2016). Gender and Public Relations: Critical Perspectives on Voice, Image and Identity. Journal of Communication Management, 20(1), 73-98.
Lee, J., & Lim, Y.-S. (2016). Gendered campaign tweets: The cases of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Public Relations Review, 42(5), 849-855.
Maiorescu, R. (2016). Crisis management at General Motors and Toyota: An analysis of gender-specific communication and media coverage. Public Relations Review, 42(4), 556-563.
Miquel Segarra, S., Navarro Beltrá, M., & Martín Llaguno, M. (2016). Estudio bibliométrico del sector profesional de las relaciones públicas y la comunicación corporativa con perspectiva de género en las revistas indexadas en Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus y Proquest Central (1992-2014). Feminismo/s, 27, 263-286.
Spatzier, A. (2016). One woman – Two sides of the Same Coin? Journalism and Public relations: The case of Bertha von Suttner, Austria. Public Relations Review, 42(5), 787-791.
Yeomans, Y. (2016). Imagining the lives of others: Empathy in public relations. Public Relations Inquiry, 5 (1), 71-92.
Yeomans, Y., & Gondim Mariutti, F. (2016). Different lenses: Women’s feminist and postfeminist perspectives in Public Relations. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, 6 (12), 85-106.
Yeomans, Y., Daba-Buzoianu, C., & Ivan, L. (2016). Looking Through Difference Lenses: Women’s Feminist Perspectives in Public Relations. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 17(3), 7-9.
Fieseler, S.; Lutz, C., & Meckel, M. (2015). An inquiry into the transformation of the PR roles’ concept. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20(1), 76-89.
Fitch, K. (2015a). Promoting the Vampire Rights Amendment: Public relations, postfeminism and True Blood. Public Relations Review, 41(5), 607-614.
Golombisky, K. (2015). Renewing the Commitments of Feminist Public Relations Theory From Velvet Ghetto to Social Justice. Journal of Public Relations Research, 27(5), 389-415.
L’Etang, J. (2015). “It’s always been a sexless trade”; “It’s a clean work”; “There’s very little velvet curtain”: Gender and public relations in post-Second World War Britain. Journal of Communication Management, 19(4), 354-370..
Martín-Llaguno, M.; Miquel Segarra, S., & Navarro-Beltrá , M.(2015). Analysis of Communication Executives and Managers in Spain: Socio-Demographic, Organizational and Attitudinal Characteristics from a Gender Perspective». Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 7(2), 129-146.
Place, K. R. (2015). Binaries, continuums, and intersections: Women public relations professionals’ understandings of gender. Public Relations Inquiry, 4(1), 61-78.
Shen, H., Jiang, H., Jin, Y., & Sha, B. L. (2015). Practitioners’ work-life conflict: A PRSA survey. Public Relations Review, 41(4), 415-421.
Vieira, E.T., & Grantham, S. (2015). Determining factors leading to strategic management PR practitioner roles. Public Relations Review, 41(4), 544-550.
Vardeman-Winter, J. (2014). Issues of representation, reflexivity, and research-participant relationships: Doing feminist cultural studies to improve health campaigns. Public Relations Inquiry, 3(1), 91-111.
Verčič, D.; Verhoeven, P., & Zerfass, A. (2014). Key issues of public relations of Europe: Findings from the European Communication Monitor 2007-2014 (Temas clave de las relaciones públicas en Europa: Resultados del European Communication Monitor 2007-2014). Revista Internacional De Relaciones Publicas, 4(8), 5-26.
Cassidy, L., & Fitch, K. (2013). Parties, air-kissing and long boozy lunches? Public relations in the Australian fashion industry. Prism, 10(1), 1-13.
Donoso-Vázquez, T., & Velasco-Martínez, A. (2013). ¿Por qué una propuesta de formación en perspectiva de género en el ámbito universitario? Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación de profesorado, 17(1), 71-88.
Dozier, D. M., Sha, B-L., Shen, H. (2013). Why Women Earn Less Than Men: The Cost of Gender Discrimination in U.S. Public Relations. Public Relations Journal, 7(1), 1-21.
Jiang, H., & Shen, H. (2013). Toward a Theory of Public Relations Practitioners’ Own Conflict: Work Versus Life. Journal of Public Relations Research, 25(3), 259-279.
Johnson, C. R. S., & Eaves, K. L. (2013). An ounce of time, a pound of responsibilities and a ton of weight to lose: An autoethnographic journey of barriers, message adherence and the weight-loss process. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(1), 95-116.
Place, K. R., & Vardeman-Winter, J. (2013). Hegemonic discourse and self-discipline: Exploring Foucault’s concept of bio-power among public relations professionals. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(3), 305-325.
Pompper, D., & Jung, T. (2013). Outnumbered yet still on top, but for how long? Theorizing about men working in the feminized field of public relations. Public Relations Review, 39(5), 497-506.
Shen, H. & H. Jiang (2013). Profiling Public Relations Practitioners’ Work-Life Conflict: From A Diversity Lens. Public Relations Journal, 7(2), 71-95.
Solís, A. E. U. (2013). Importancia de la comunicación organizacional, el lenguaje y la explicación discursiva desde la perspectiva de género. Educación y humanism, 15(24), 136-147.
Sundstrom, B.; Briones, R., & Janoske, M. (2013). Expecting the unexpected: Non-profit women’s organizations’ media responses to anti-abortion terrorism. Journal of Communication Management, 17(4), 341-363.
Vardeman-Winter, J.; Tindall, N., & Jiang, H. (2013). Intersectionality and publics: How exploring publics’ multiple identities questions basic public relations concepts. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(3), 279-304.
Yaxley, H. M. L. (2013). Career experiences of women in British public relations (1970–1989). Public Relations Review, 39(2), 156-165.
Yeomans, L. (2013). Researching emotional labour among Public Relations consultants in the UK: a social phenomenological approach. Romanian Journal of Communication & Public Relations, 15(3), 31-51.
Daymon, C., & Surma, A. (2012). The mutable identities of women in public relations. Public Relations Inquiry, 1(2), 177-196.
Lambert, C., & White, C. (2012). Feminization of the film? Occupational roles of public relations characters in movies. Public Relations Journal, 6(4), 1-24.
Mellado, C., & Barría, S. (2012). Development of professional roles in the practice of public relations in Chile. Public Relations Review, 38(3), 446-453.
Place, K. R. (2012). Power-Control or Empowerment? How Women Public Relations Practitioners Make Meaning of Power. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24(5), 435-450.
Pompper, D. (2012). On Social Capital and Diversity in a Feminized Industry: Further Developing a Theory of Internal Public Relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24(1), 86-103.
Verhoeven, J. W. M.; Joris, J.; Van Hoof; Ter Keurs, H., & Van Vuuren, M. (2012). Effects of apologies and crisis responsibility on corporate and spokesperson reputation. Public Relations Review, 38(3), 501-504.
Yaxley, H. M. L. (2012). Exploring the origins of careers in public relations. Public Relations Review, 38(3), 399-407.
Gregory, A. (2011). The state of the public relations profession in the UK: A review of the first decade of the twenty‐first century. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 16(2), 89-104.
Place, K. R. (2011). Power and gender at the crossroads: A qualitative examination of the nexus of power and gender in public relations. PRism 8(1). Retrieved from: http://www.prismjournal.org/vol8_1.html
Romero Quintero, E. (2011). La perspectiva de género en las Relaciones Públicas empresariales: estudio comparativo de la presencia de mujeres empresarias en prensa. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, 1(2), 221-236.
Sha, B.-L. (2011). Accredited vs. non-accredited: The polarization of practitioners in the public relations profession. Public Relations Review, 37(2), 121-128.
Vanc, A., & White, C. (2011). Cultural perceptions of public relations gender roles in Romania. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 103-105.
Vardeman-Winter, J. (2011). Confronting Whiteness in Public Relations Campaigns and Research with Women. Journal of Public Relations Research, 23(4), 412-444.
Daymon, C., & Demetrious, K. (2010). Gender and public relations: Perspectives, applications and questions. PRism 7(4).
Fitch, K., & Third, A. (2010). Working girls: Revisiting the gendering of public relations. Prism 7(4).
Jin, Y. (2010). Emotional Leadership as a Key Dimension of Public Relations Leadership: A National Survey of Public Relations Leaders. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22(2), 159-181.
Johnston, J. (2010). Girls on screen: How film and television depict women in public relations. Prism, 7(4). Retrieved from: http://www.prismjournal.org/fileadmin/Praxis/Files/Gender/Johnston.pdf
Kang, J.-A. (2010). Ethical conflict and job satisfaction of public relations practitioners. Public Relations Review, 36(2), 152-156.
O’Byrne, S. (2010). Clothing and gender in the workplace. Prism, 7(4).
Tsetsura, K. (2010a). Is Public Relations a Real Job? How Female Practitioners Construct the Profession. Journal of Public Relations Research, 23(1), 1-23.
Tsetsura, K. (2010). How female practitioners in Moscow view their profession: A pilot study. Public Relations Review, 36(1), 78-80.
Tilley, E. (2010). Ethics and gender at the point of decision-making: An exploration of intervention and kinship. Prism, 7(4).
Vardeman-Winter, J., & Tindall, N. T.J. (2010). If it’s a women’s issue, I pay attention to it”: Gendered and intersectional complications in The Heart Truth media campaign. Prism, 7(4).
Verhoeven, P., & Aarts, N. (2010). How European public relations men and women perceive the impact of their professional activities. Prism, 7(4). Retrieved from: http://www.prismjournal.org/fileadmin/Praxis/Files/Gender/Verhoeven_Aarts.pdf
Yeomans, L. (2010). Soft sell? Gendered experience of emotional labour in UK public relations firms. Prism, 7(4), 1-14.
White, G. (2010). Does gender matter? Prism, 7(4).
Beurer-Zuellig, B.; Fieseler, C., & Meckel, M. (2009). A descriptive inquiry into the corporate communication profession in Europe. Public Relations Review, 35(3), 270-279.
Bernardi, R.; Bosco, S., & Columb, V. (2009). Does Female Representation on Boards of Directors Associate with the ‘Most Ethical Companies’ List. Corporate Reputation Review, 12, 270–280.
Coleman, R. & Wilkins, L. (2009). The Moral Development of Public Relations Practitioners: A Comparison with Other Professions and Influences on Higher Quality Ethical Reasoning. Journal of Public Relations Research, 21(3), 318-340.
Creedon, P. J. (2009). Public Relations and “Women’s Work”: Toward a Feminist Analysis of Public Relations Roles. Public Relations Research Annual, 3(1-4), 67-84.
Edwards, L. (2009). Symbolic Power and Public Relations Practice: Locating Individual Practitioners in Their Social Context. Journal of Public Relations Research, 21(3), 251-272.
Edwards, L. (2009). Symbolic Power and Public Relations Practice: Locating Individual Practitioners in Their Social Context. Journal of Public Relations Research, 21(3), 251-272.
Horsley, J. S. (2009). Women’s contributions to American public relations, 1940‐1970. Journal of Communication Management, 13(2), 100-115.
Lim, J., & Bae, J. (2009). Influence of the Gender of Reporters, News Topics, and Circulation Size on Framing of Public Relations. Public Relations Journal, 3(1), 1-17.
Patterson, S. (2009). Examining The Role of Women in the Development of Public Relations. Public Relations Journal, 3(1), 1-18.
Porter, L.; Sweetser, K., & Chung, D. (2009). The blogosphere and public relations: Investigating practitioners’ roles and blog use. Journal of Communication Management, 13(3), 250-267.
Aldoory, L.; Jiang, H.; Toth, E. L., & Sha, B. L. (2008). Is it Still Just a Women’s Issue? A Study of Work-Life Balance Among Men and Women in Public Relations? Public Relations Journal, 2(4), 1-20.
Aldoory, L.; Reber, B.; Bruce, B., & Toth, E. (2008). Provocations in Public Relations: A Study of Gendered Ideologies of Power-Influence in Practice. Journalism and Mass Communications Quarterly, 84(4), 735-750.
AlSaqer, L. (2008). Experience of female public relations practitioners in Bahrain. Public Relations Review, 34(1), 77-79.
Dimitrov, R. (2008). Gender violence, fan activism and public relations in sport: The case of “Footy Fans Against Sexual Assault”. Public Relations Review, 34(2), 90-98.
Molleda, J.-C. (2008). Contextualized Qualitative Research in Venezuela: Coercive Isomorphic Pressures of the Socioeconomic and Political Environments on Public Relations Practices. Journal of Public Relations Research, 20(1), 49-70.
Algren, M., & Eichhorn Campbell, K. (2007). Cognitive communication competence within public relations practitioners: Examining gender differences between technicians and managers. Public Relations Review, 33(1), 77-83.
Dozier, David; Sha, Bey-Ling, & Okura, M. (2007). How Much Does My Baby Cost? An Analysis of Gender Differences in Income, Career Interruption, and Child Bearing’. Public Relations Journal, 1(1), 1-6.
Fröhlich, R., & Peters, S. B. (2007). PR Bunnies Caught in the Agency Ghetto? Gender Stereotypes, Organizational Factors, and Women’s Careers in PR Agencies. Journal of Public Relations Research, 19(3), 229-254.
Mendoza, S. M. (2007). En torno a la investigación en relaciones públicas. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 62, 102 – 116.
Pompper, D. (2007). The Gender-Ethnicity Construct in Public Relations Organizations: Using Feminist Standpoint Theory to Discover Latinas’ Realities, Howard Journal of Communications, 18(4), 291-311.
Yeomans, L. (2007). Emotion in public relations: a neglected phenomenon. Journal of Communication Management, 11(3), 212-221.
Grunig, L. A. (2006). Feminist Phase Analysis in Public Relations: Where Have We Been? Where Do We Need to Be? Journal of Public Relations Research, 18(2), 115-140.
Pompper, D., & Adams, J. (2006). Under the microscope: Gender and mentor–protégé relationships. Public Relations Review, 32(3), 309-315.
Aldoory, L. A. (2005). ‘A (re) conceived feminist paradigm for public relations: A case for substantial improvement’. Journal of Communication, 55(4), 668-684.
Andsager, J. L., & Hust, S. J. T. (2005). Differential gender orientation in public relations: Implications for career choices. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 85-91.
Hutton, J. G. (2005). The myth of salary discrimination in public relations. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 73-83.
Sha, B.-L., & Toth, E. L. (2005). Future professionals’ perceptions of work, life, and gender issues in public relations. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 93-99.
Aldoory, L., & Toth, E. (2004). Leadership and gender in public relations: perceived effectiveness of the transformational and transactional leadership styles. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(2), 157-183.
Anderson, W. B. (2004). “We Can Do It”: a study of the Women’s Field Army public relations efforts. Public Relations Review, 30(2), 187-196.
Arceo, A. (2004). Public relations in Spain: an introduction. Public Relations Review, 30(3), 293-302.
Molleda, J. C., & Ferguson, M. A. (2004). Public Relations Roles in Brazil: Hierarchy Eclipses Gender Differences. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(4), 327-351.
Maathuis, O.; Rodenburg, J., & Sikkel, D. in Corporate Reputation Review (2004). Credibility, Emotion or Reason? Corporate Reputation Review, 6(4), 333–345.
Pompper, D. (2004). Linking Ethnic Diversity & Two-Way Symmetry: Modeling Female African American Practitioners’ Roles. Journal of Public Relations Research, 16(3), 269-299.
Fielden, S. L; Tench, R., & Fawkes, J. (2003). Freelance communications workers in the UK: the impact of gender on well‐being. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 8(3), 187-196.
O’Neil, J. (2003). An investigation of the sources of influence of corporate public relations practitioners. Public Relations Review, 29(2), 159-169.
O’Neil, J. (2003a). An Analysis of the Relationships Among Structure, Influence, and Gender: Helping to Build a Feminist Theory of Public Relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 15(2), 151-179.
Ryan, M. (2003). Public relations and the web: organizational problems, gender, and institution type. Public Relations Review, 29(3), 335-349.
Aldoory, L., & Toth, E. (2002). Gender Discrepancies in a Gendered Profession: A Developing Theory for Public Relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 14(2), 103-126.
Choi, Y., & Childers Hon, L. (2002). The Influence of Gender Composition in Powerful Positions on Public Relations Practitioners’ Gender-Related Perceptions. Journal of Public Relations Research, 14(3), 229-263.
Holtzhausen, D. R., & Voto, R. (2002). Resistance From the Margins: The Postmodern Public Relations Practitioner as Organizational Activist. Journal of Public Relations Research, 14(1), 57-84.
Wrigley, B. J. (2002). Glass Ceiling? What Glass Ceiling? A Qualitative Study of How Women View the Glass Ceiling in Public Relations and Communications Management. Journal of Public Relations Research, 14(1), 27-55.
Gower, K. K. (2001). Rediscovering women in public relations: Women in the Public Relations Journal, 1945-1972. Journalism History, 27(1), 14-21.
Motion, J. (2001). Personal public relations: The interdisciplinary pitfalls and innovative possibilities of identity work. Journal of Communication Management, 5(1), 34-41.
Straughan, D. (2001). Women’s work: public relations efforts of the US Children’s Bureau to reduce infant and maternal mortality, 1912–1921. Public Relations Review, 27(3), 337-351.
Childers Hon, L., & Brunner, B. (2000). Diversity Issues and Public Relations. Journal of Public Relations Research, 12(4), 309-340.
Grunig, L. A.; Toth, E. L., & Childers Hon, L. C. (2000). Feminist Values in Public Relations, Journal of Public Relations Research, 12(1), 49-68.
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